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It rained during the night yet again. There is hardly a day when there isnt some amount of rain in the evening or morning it seems. I was on the road by 9 with a good tail wind over flat ground until I hit the edge of Jasper Park.

I’m finally out of the rockies and into the Alberta foothills. This should mean there are no more big climbs for quite a while. I made it to Hinton for lunch and found a nice picnic table in front of the Tim Hortons. Before getting back on the road I picked up a small box of timbits for a snack later.

I got to Obed Lake Provincial Park by around 3 and setup in the last available site. There were only 7 so I was lucky. I was surprised to see the price was $10 at this self-registration site (lots of them around here) because the Alberta camping guide said it would only be $5. The camp site seems to be located here primarily for people who come to the lake to fish for the weekend since that is what most of the other people there were doing. I wanted to go for a swim but it was starting to get cloudy and colder again.

While sitting at the picnic table reading before cooking dinner a squirrel climbed onto one of my food panniers sitting on the picnic table. It barely moved as I shooed it away which I had to do repeatedly.

Distance 108.0km
Time 4:12
Max Speed 64km/h
Odometer 1323km