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Today started like most others except I ate my breakfast using dishes from the hostel. What I eat looks like so little in their bowl compared to my camping bowl. I’m probably not eating enough for breakfast.

I was on the road by 9:30 after getting more groceries because I forgot to get a few things yesterday. For some reason I was also looking forward to lunch quite early on and stopped for it early too. Highway 138 went through more quiet countryside today and eventually started going uphill to climb up to the top of the cliffs that Quebec sits on.

I stopped at the edge of the city to call Martin, a person I contacted from the website for somewhere to stay. He gave me directions to his house in the middle of the city, not far from the old part of Quebec. I got there slightly before he got home from work and waited on the porch. He was nice enough to cook me dinner in the evening after he arrived.

Distance 132.81km
Time 5:16:53
Average Speed 25.14km/h
Max Speed 44.72km/h
Odometer 6296km