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It was another warm day at almost 30ºC by 10:15 when I left the campground this morning. I followed the waterfront trail out of Cobourg. It follows side roads but I would hardly consider it to waterfront. I hardly saw the water at all. It is just named that because it roughly follows the edge of the lake the whole way.

I left that route in Brighton where I had lunch and stuck to highway 2 the rest of the way to Belleville. I had a break at Dairy Queen before deciding I was going to continue on to Nepanee. Ten minutes later on the road I decided I would make it all the way to Kingston where I could stay with my Aunt’s sister. This made for a long day since it was already just past 4:00 and Kingston was 75km away. I called ahead from Nepanee to let her know I was going to make it there tonight and got there around 7:00.

Distance 149.44km
Time 5:35:18
Average Speed 26.74km/h
Max Speed 47.22km/h
Odometer 5551km