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I tried for an early start this day but it rained during the night and I wanted my tent to try out before I packed it up. Shortly into the ride I noticed that my right knee was hurting so I took a Tylenol (which didn’t kick in for an hour and a half).

I stopped in Theodore for lunch in front of a cafe. The owner didn’t like me using their outside table to eat my own food despite the fact that there was nobody around at all. Had she been nice to me, I might have gone inside after eating to buy some ice cream. I didn’t though.

I got the the Yorkton City Campground pretty early and the staff were impressed with how little time it took. After setting up, I went into town to buy groceries and visit a bike shop to get new tire levers and a new spare tire. I also had them fix the rear wheel that had been wobbling a little. I think they said it was loose bearings. I tried to use the library for internet but it was all booked up so I went to have dinner and came back to use it for 2 hours and finally update my blog for the first time in a while.

Distance 108.6km
Time 4:05
Max Speed 43km/h
Odometer 2559km